Red Mountain OHV Trails
Directions to Route:
From Shaver Lake, Take Highway 168 north, approximately 13 miles (20 minutes) to the Red Mountain Trailhead - Road 8S 10.
Turn right and follow the signs for 3 miles to the intersection of Road 8S42 then travel 2.5 miles to reach the trailhead.
The 5.5 miles to the trailhead will be on gravel and dirt roads, please drive safely.
When you get to your destination please remember campsites are not allowed within 100 feet of any lakes, streams, and/or wet areas.
The trails in the area have various challenge levels.
Those found going around the "hard spots" will be cited for resource damage.
Coyote Lake
Difficulty Rating: Difficult
For experienced drivers and moderately built rigs. Coyote Lake is 1.7 miles; 1.75 hours driving time.
The Route:
Coyote Lake trail starts at the end of the Red Lake Trail (See below) and is located within a corridor in the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness.
The shoreline of the lake from the outlet westward to where the trail first approaches the lake is the wilderness boundary. As a reminder, motorized equipment, including electric trolling motors, are not permitted.
When you get to the lake avoid the old route that took you down near the shoreline. The new route is 100 feet or so further away from the lake and ends at the wilderness boundary. Use of the new route allows the vegetation buffer around that shoreline to reach its maximum, thus improving the beauty and solitude of the area. Campsites are available on either side of the route.
Camping tips:
There is no camping within 100 feet from lakes, streams, trails and meadows. Campfire permits are free and available at your local Forest Service office. A campfire permit is required for: wood fires, charcoal fires or portable gas stoves.
If you pack it in, please pack it out. Keep your forest clean and green.
Mirror Lake
Difficulty Rating: Difficult
For experienced drivers and moderately built rigs. Mirror Lake is 1.3 miles; 1.5 hours driving time.
The Route:
Mirror Lake is a fairly new route to one of the smallest lakes in the area.
Before reaching West Lake turn north at the intersection marking the start of the route. The hill down to the lake is a tough one! Getting by the large tree at the bottom will test your driving skills. It is advised to get out and check this one out before attempting it. Several vehicles have got down, but then only got back up with the help of a friend.
There are only three main campsites at this lake with the route terminating at largest camp at the back of the lake.
Camping tips:
There is no camping within 100 feet from lakes, streams, trails and meadows. Campfire permits are free and available at your local Forest Service office. A campfire permit is required for: wood fires, charcoal fires or portable gas stoves.
If you pack it in, please pack it out. Keep your forest clean and green.
Red Lake
Difficulty Rating: Moderate
For semi experienced drivers and moderately build rigs. Red Lake is 2.4 miles; 1.75 hours driving time.
The Route:
Red Lake is located outside of the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness. The use of electric motors for fishing on the lake is acceptable. Gasoline motors are prohibited, This prohibition helps retain the pristine nature and water quality of the lake.
On the way to Red Lake watch for the 2 "pinch rocks" you must go through. Just go slow and straight to keep your paint off the rocks.
Camping tips:
There is no camping within 100 feet from lakes, streams, trails and meadows. Campfire permits are free and available at your local Forest Service office. A campfire permit is required for: wood fires, charcoal fires or portable gas stoves.
If you pack it in, please pack it out. Keep your forest clean and green.
Strawberry and West Lakes
Difficulty Rating: Easy
For beginning to semi experienced drivers and stock to moderately build rigs. Red Lake is 3.9 miles; 2.5 hours driving time.
The Route:
West and Strawberry Lake are sometimes confused with the "frog ponds" that you pass along the route. The first small pond you will encounter is on your left just before reaching West Lake. A sign on a very large Red Fir will direct you into a secluded hollow just below the lake, A small camping area near a meadow awaits you. Just walk 100 feet up the hill to the south for a great view of the lake. The pond you come to after West Lake is not Strawberry Lake, keep going, it will be worth it!
Camping is somewhat limited at Strawberry Lake, so pulling off the trail and finding a site just before the lake may be your best bet.
Camping tips:
There is no camping within 100 feet from lakes, streams, trails and meadows. Campfire permits are free and available at your local Forest Service office. A campfire permit is required for: wood fires, charcoal fires or portable gas stoves.
If you pack it in, please pack it out. Keep your forest clean and green.